!Index - 17Bit - Phase Four Index, Phase Four

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2801 GNU CHESS (KS2+)There aren't many chess games knocking around in PD and this iscertainately one of the best. Designed for WB 2 you can play againstthe computer or another person or just watch the computer play againstitself. Sourcecode included.2802 PHOTOGRAPHY - THE DARK ROOMThink you're a bit of a Lord Lichfield, eh? Well with this disk itshows exactly how to get the best results from your old 5 quid Kodak.Only 2 stages are present on this disk but if you send off for theregistered version you will get a two disk set covering everythingyou could possibly think of to do with photography. Illustrationsand digitized piccys are included. **SHAREWARE**2803 BEETLEAn EXCELLENT platform game for young kids and old gits as well. Youplay the role of Beetle and have to go negotiate your way around thegarden, picking up the worms and vegetables and avoiding the nastyaxes, fire and water. When you've collected everything you thenteleport to the next level. The good thing about this is that thelevels change each time you play. BRILLIANT. **SHAREWARE**2804 KENS CHRISTMAS CLIPARTYes folks, KUMFY KEN <'El Squeaky'> brings you a disk of festivefrivolous clipart. If you're looking for small detailed stuff thenyou can forget this. Nearly all of the clips are massive 2 screenshigh jobs covering everything in common with the season of goodwill.2805 IMAGINE TEXTURE MAPSThis disk contains 36 320x200 JPEG stone texture maps for anyrendering package. They will work fine with the coverdisk version ofImagine.2806 IMAGINE BITS & BATSThis disk contains 11 320x200 JPEG wood texture maps for any renderingpackage. They will work fine with the coverdisk version of Imagine.The disk also contains a full 1600 line manual on using Imagineproperly and also a 1.24 MB object of the Starship Enterprise whichrequires 11 MB ram to render!2807 IMAGINE OBJECTSThis disk contains around 6 objects to render in Imagine includingSurfboards, Shark, Sandal, Stingray & others. Also on here are 2Starship Enterprise objects for Real 3D V2.02808 IMAGINE OBJECTSOnly 2 very large objects on here for Imagine. A 57 Chevrolet car andsome Robots. They will work fine with the coverdisk version ofImagine.2809 IMAGINE OBJECTSThis disk contains a full index with pictures of all the Imaginetextures disks and also 5 more objects to use with Imagine includingViolin Case, Tommy Gun & Lamp amongst others.2810A HOLODECK SLIDESHOW (AGA MACHINES ONLY)From the makers of The Final Frontier Disk Mag comes this amazingcollection of Real 3D rendered objects all to do with Star Trek stuff.Enterprise and whatever else you'd associate with the cult series ishere.2810B HOLODECK SLIDESHOW (AGA MACHINES ONLY)Disk 2 of HOLODECK SLIDESHOW2811 NEMESISAnother superb, colourful and quite clever version of Othello/Reversi.You know the game. If ya like it buy it. If ya don't, don't.2812A DOCTOR WHO : THE SIXTIESAll you will ever need to know about Dr Who2812B DOCTOR WHO : THE SIXTIESDisk 2 of DOCTOR WHO : THE SIXTIES2813 DSOLVE CROSSWORDA crossword solver for all you anagram addicts.2814 PROFESSIONAL BINGOA bingo caller. <Well, what did you expect?>2815 REORG V3.11The best optimizing PD program there is. Supports hard and floppydrives. If you cant afford QBT then this will speed up all yourdisks by REORG(anizing) them. Excellent stuff.2816 SFX SERIES #1A 5 disk extravaganza of sound effects for anyone contemplating makinganimations, or DTV work. Hundreds of effects ranging from animals,transport, movies, and stacks of other stuff.2817 SFX SERIES #2See 2816 for details.2818 SFX SERIES #3See 2816 for details.2819 SFX SERIES #4See 2816 for details.2820 SFX SERIES #5See 2816 for details.2821 IMAGINE OBJECTSThis disk contains 29 320x200 JPEG miscellaneous and 10 organictexture maps for use with any rendering packages. They will work finewith the coverdisk version of Imagine.2822 IMAGINE OBJECTSThis disk contains 37 320X200 JPEG stone texture maps for use with anyrendering packages. They will work fine with the coverdisk version ofImagine.2823 NO SAMPLER UTILS VOL.2Various music and sample utilities on here.2824 AMY PD REVIEW #5All the way from the land of OZ comes this mini mag reviewing thelatest (?) of whats new on the PD scene. A good source of informationfor you new users out there if you find our cat disks a bit much toswallow.2825A BODYSHOP 4 (AGA MACHINES ONLY)Practical advice on how to repair minor dings and dents in your car.2825B BODYSHOP 4 (AGA MACHINES ONLY)Disk 2 of BODYSHOP 42826 PANTERHEI DEMO (AGA MACHINES ONLY)An excellent addition to any AGA owners massive (sarcastic) democollection. Loads of swirly bits and bobs, and AGA effects toimpress that PC owner you hate.2827 HOLMES BROTHERS COMPVarious bits and bobs on this disk. Degrader, Turbo Mandelbrot,Numpad, Jump N Roll, Virus Checker V6.28, LHA, UnARJ, Biorhythm,ChequeBook, SysInfo, Agraph, Amoeba Invaders, PictSaver, PyroBlankerand various games cheats as well.2828 FONT-X PROA 16 colour font editor and designer for AMOS.**SHAREWARE**2829A CD32 REVIEWAn excellently humorous animation featuring the Star Trek crewexamining what the think is an unidentified object on their scanners.Sampled speech all the way through and it lasts for quite some time.**2 DRIVES RECOMMENDED**2829B CD32 REVIEWDisk 2 of CD32 REVIEW2830 MAP STATIONA utility for all you coders corner type people. It allows you toeasily map any part of the screen at any time for when you are codingyour next big release.2831 MUSIC EXAMPLES #112 good tunes on here by Nigel Smith.2832 MUSIC EXAMPLES #211 more good tunes by Nigel Smith.2833 BLACKBOARDBlackBoard is an image proccessor written specifically for the AGAchipset machines. BlackBoard can load in pictures. It canmanipulate them in a variety of ways, and then it can display them ina number of different display modes as well as saving the picture todisk. There are loads of different functions, including Emboss,DoubleorHalf, EdgeEnhancer, SmoothFilter, and loads loads more.2834 FRIENDS OF PAULA #4 - SIMPLY BLUEThe latest musical creations from the masters of Octamed. A few tuneson here done in various different styles, but all are associated withjazz music in same way.2835 HANDEL - FIREWORKSRob Baxter, the master of Amiga classical music appers with HandelsFireworks. Always popular with our userbase. The music is excellentand the GUI is very nicely done as well.2836 AURAL ILLUSION JNRSoundman Jnr revamped, rewritten, remixed, re-everything really. A 16bit sample manipulator which allows you to stretch, echo, andgenerally make yer silly farty noises which youve just sampled soundmuch more fun.2837 OPERATION FIRESTORMFrom the makers of Wibble Word Giddy, comes probably the best PD gameever seen. Based on The Edges `Fireforce', it is very similar andtakes a few ideas from Green Beret. Basic walking, shooting actionbut the gfx and sound are excellent. Please note, this is a demoversion and requires 5 pounds sending off to the author for the fullversion. Well worth it though. **SHAREWARE**2838 ORK ATTACK GAMEA very strange game this one, the object is to stop the orks climbingup the wall by chucking stuff on their heads. Fast and furious.2839 SILICON JOURNALA diary program.2840 GAMES GALORE REMIX 1Mr H is back with his popular Games Galore packs, but this time theyare all revamped so that ALL the games are guaranteed to work on anA1200. Games on here include Tron, M-Command, Drip, Dominoes andloads of others.2841 GAMES GALORE REMIX 2Asteroids, Spades, World, Car, Orbit 3D and a host of others on thisone.2842 GAMES GALORE REMIX 3Warriors, H-Ball, Jumpy, Rubik, Othello, amongst others.2843 GAMES GALORE REMIX 4Parachute, Cardsharp, Montana, Deluxe Pacman, Welltrix + others adornthis one.2844 GAMES GALORE REMIX 5Word Search, Zeus, Monopoly, Bouncer, Larn, &tc.2845 GAMES GALORE REMIX 6Bally, ATC, Miniblast, Microbes, Tank Attack, &tc.2846 GAMES GALORE REMIX 7Death, Mutants, Egyptian Run, Chess, SYS, &tc.2847 GAMES GALORE REMIX 8Backgammon, Diplomacy, Chess, Train Set, Klondike &tc.2848 GAMES GALORE REMIX 9Battlecars, Dragon Tiles, Mines, Mr Wobbly, Subattack, Trek Trivia&tc.2849 GAMES GALORE REMIX 10Match patch, Revenge, Cosmo, Amigatration, X-Fire, Bounce, Minefield&tc..2850 GORF (NOSTALGIA ALERT)The game that revolutionized arcades is here. The second mostclassic shootemup ever. The first arcade to feature speech. it onlysaid `GORF' but people went nuts over it. Shoot the invaders. Thatsit. Highly addictive and its written brilliantly.2851 DTP FOR KIDSA very basic DTP program for small kids. It still allows forimporting IFF clipart and there is a range of fonts to choose from.Every time the mouse is clicked, a different noise is heard. Goodgear!!2852 DEATH WALK ANIMVery, very sick. Not recommended for the very young. An interestinganimation of a man who commits suicide while a crowd watch. First heblows his head off and then...**1.5 MB REQUIRED**2853 SUICIDE MAN 2Suicide Man is back again in yet another sick anim. This time heresorts to scaling a cliff and then blowing his head off much to theamusement of the watching audience. Not recommended for children.**1.5 MB REQUIRED**2854 LEMMINGS SHOWIn the prequel to Death Walk, suicide man is here again. Excellentanimation, consisting ... [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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